Vele honderden jaren was het streven van waterschappen om water zo snel mogelijk naar de zee te brengen. Gelukkig is dat veranderd en worden allerlei stroompjes en rivieren weer aan het meanderen gebracht om langzamer het water te vervoeren, zodat het kan infiltreren in de bodem. Want zoet water hoort in de bodem, niet in… Continue reading Project “CIRCULAIR WATERGEBRUIK IN DE BUITENGEBIEDEN”

Categorised as Water

Six resilience attributes

What are the six resilience attributes that help resilience flourish in Ecodorp Boekel? Because we are going to need them! Humanity will increasingly face global and local risks and shocks and we need to prepare by building a truly resilient community. A resilient recovery requires investment in five attributes that can help foster resilience on… Continue reading Six resilience attributes

Categorised as Climate

Project Ecovillage Resilience

Ecodorp Boekel is part of a worldwide research project to investigate how ecovillages can stay resilient in a climate that will probably excellerate to more that 2,5 degrees Celcius. What are the five resilience attributes that help resilience flourish in Ecodorp Boekel?

Categorised as Climate

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