SDG11 Sustainable cities and communities

Challenge of the city
Sustainable growth is the greatest challenge of the cities of the future. Cities account for about 60 – 80 percent of all energy consumption and about 75 percent of carbon emissions (source: SDG Netherlands ). Rapid urbanization puts a heavy burden on obtaining or maintaining a fresh water supply, functioning sewerage, the living environment and public health.

Sustainable cities
At the same time, the high population density in the city also has advantages. This makes it easier to use resources more efficiently; to implement technological innovations widely; and use fewer raw materials and energy. The city of the future must offer opportunities to everyone through innovation and progress, including access to basic services such as clean drinking water, housing, energy, transport and more.

Sustainable communities as a Living Lab
Ecovillages such as Ecodorp Boekel can test various developments and demonstrate them in practice. 

Because we are an ambitious citizens’ initiative, we have regularly been on TV at which times we have explained innovations, sometimes with the company, sometimes just as an enthusiastic user.

Best Practice
It is good to show best practices so that there is an example function. We want to show how policy can be put into practice.

Do you want Ad Vlems to explain more about his experience of this SDG and how to implement this SDG yourself in your own project or community?

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