SDG12 Responsible consumption and production

Ecodorp Boekel won Brabant circularity prize 2023

On February 9 2023, Ecodorp Boekel received the Circularity Prize for the most circular citizens’ initiative in the province of Brabant. The challenge trophy was presented by Femke Dingemans, director of the Brabant Environmental Federation , to Ad Vlems, initiator of the ecovillage.

Ecovillagers take responsibility, it is the most important value we share with each other. It is the reason why we produce organic food ourselves (no CO2 through transport, no packaging, not sprayed with pesticide , climate-proof and healthy soil ), have high ambitions in the field of construction ( CO2 negative , energy positive , circular , biobased ), produce our own energy , save a lot of drinking water and purify waste water yourself.

In 2018 Ad gave the closing speech on a EU symposium on Fostering Circular Economy. That’s how even a small best practice can inspire the EU!

Do you want Ad Vlems to explain more about his experience of this SDG and how to implement this SDG yourself in your own project or community?

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