SDG16 Peace, justice and strong institutions

Our decision-making method Holarchy ensures responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making. Responsibilities are placed low in the organization. Everyone can develop his or her qualities where they can shine most. 

Sharings and connection
The most important stated goal of the Connection team is to promote social cohesion within the group of residents. We do this, among other things, by holding a monthly sharing for all ecovillagers. We share in confidence our thoughts and feelings that arise in us at that moment. We also have many more informal social moments, such as an opening round prior to the working days, a joint lunch for those who want to eat together, and a closing round at the end of the construction day.

Safe living environment
We are building three circles of homes. The EU has conducted a survey of thousands of emergency homes after the Hurricane Katrina disaster. People slept in luxury cruise ship cabins, emergency housing and even tents. Research was mainly conducted into the amount of conflicts per housing type. There were significantly fewer conflicts in homes or tents in a circle or square, with a protected courtyard where small children could play and neighbors could meet. That is why the circular shape is so important to us. 

Do you want Ad Vlems to explain more about his experience of this SDG and how to implement this SDG yourself in your own project or community?

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